SCinet’s cutting-edge infrastructure connects the SC community to the world. Every year, industry, academia, and government experts volunteer to design, build, and administer SCinet.
SCinet not only provides internet connectivity for conference attendees, it pushes the boundaries of networking technologies and innovations through workshops, demos, and collaborative opportunities.
SCinet ChairNathaniel Mendoza, Texas Advanced Computing Center (TACC)
SCinet Vice ChairWesley DeWitt, Cornelis Networks
During the week of SC, SCinet becomes the most powerful and advanced network on Earth.
Designed and created each year for the conference, SCinet is a global collaboration of high-performance networking experts who provide a platform that connects attendees and exhibitors to the world. It’s no small task.
SCinet Staging21–31 OCT 2025
SCinet Setup9–14 NOV 2025
SCinet Live Operations15–21 NOV 2025
SCinet Teardown21 NOV 2025
SCinet TechnologyLearn about the cutting-edge technology built into SCinet.
SCinet TeamsMeet the teams operating behind the scenes.
SCinet HistoryA chronological look at milestones dating from 1988.
SCinet Contributors & VolunteersIn recognition of the numerous companies and volunteer organizations who contributed to SCinet’s success.
(Available Summer 2025)
Use the SCinet network to perform research, experiments, and demos. And discover resources available to exhibitors, including the use policy and how to make a network request.
INDIS WorkshopEngineers and researchers innovating networks for data-intensive science.
(Available Spring 2025)
Network Research ExhibitionDemos and experiments that display emerging network innovation.
SCinet for ExhibitorsMake a network request for your exhibit booth and learn about the network use policy.
SCinet happens thanks to individual volunteers giving their time, as well as HPC-related companies or institutions contributing materials and services.
Participate in SCinetSCinet can’t be run without volunteers and contributors. Learn how your efforts or generosity can make a difference.
Women in IT Networking at SCSeeking qualified female U.S. candidates to join the SCinet volunteer workforce. Learn how to apply for WINS.
Contact the SCinet committee if you have any questions about the high-capacity network or how to participate. or contribute. We’d be happy to help.
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